Born in Bielefeld (*1978), Germany. I grew up at the Baltic Sea, on the Kiel Fjord. I am a visual artist, based in Hamburg, Germany

My practice includes painting, drawing, sculpture and lecture performance. For several years now I have been turning more deeply to painting and the effects of color. Seeing takes time. Time changes vision. I see painting as a possibility for transformation. A sensitization of visual perception: one‘s own and that of the viewer and, from this, – appreciation.

The desire to protect the Baltic Sea – my “home sea” – in the face of current crises in geo-politics, climate change and socio-economic transformation is an integral part of my artistic motivation. With my work I oppose the instrumentalization of nature as a resource“.


Member of Achterhaus Ateliergemeinschaft e.V., Hamburg, an association of various artists, graphic designers and the Achterhaus residency grant for international artists. Board member of Ateliers für die Kunst e.V., Hamburg, member of the Cross Innovation Hub 2023/2024 by Hamburg Kreativgesellschaft as creative expert, SALOON member (International network for women in the Arts), BBK.

Lecturer for Fine Arts, Retail Design, JAK Academy of Design, Hamburg, (2018-2024). Visiting Lecturer for Fundamentals of Color, Beijing Normal University Zhuhai, China (2016-2018). Workshops on urban space and postcolonial memory with Hannimari Jokinen.


Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Design Department, Diploma 2004. HFBK, University of Fine Arts of Hamburg, Wolfgang Müller (Die Tödliche Doris).


Artist in Residence. Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio, Sapporo, Japan, 2023

Scholarschip „Freiräume II“. Atelierförderprogramm des Vereins Ateliers für die Kunst e.V., supported by Liebelt-Stiftung, Hamburg, 2022/2023

Grant, „Neustart Kultur“. Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien, Stiftung Kulturwerk der VG Bild-Kunst, 2021

Grant, „Neustart Kultur“. Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien, BBK, 2020; Production Grant. Hamburgische Kulturstiftung „Kunst kennt keinen Shutdown“, 2020; Production Grant. Hamburgische Kulturstiftung „Kultur hält zusammen“, 2020

Production Grant. In collaboration with Dinah Büchner, Theater X Berlin, lag – Projektfonds Kultur und Schule, Kulturagenten für kreative Schulen HH/Conecco gUG, 2019

Artist Residency & Scholarship, PAV_STIP I 2018. Kulturwerk SH, Pinneberg, 2018

Production Grant. Ministry of Culture and Media of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, 2016

Travel Grant. Ministry of Culture and Media of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg 2011; Artist Residency. CUBElab, CUBE Gallery, Manchester, GB, 2011

Prize. Winner CUBEopen Prize 2010, CUBE Gallery, Manchester, GB, 2010

Production Grant. In collaboration with Julia Münz, IBA Hamburg, 2008

Artist Residency. Art Department, The Sagar School, Rajasthan, India, 2006

Production Grant. Forum für kulturelle Kooperation, Hamburg, 2005
Artist Residency. Junge-Hunde, Kronprinzenpalais, Meiningen, 2005

EXHIBITIONS (selected, s=solo)

THE THIRD SPACE. with Tanja Hehmann and Maria Nordsø Lundberg (SE), Projektraum Dose, Hamburg, 2024; 7 SEEDS – COMMUNICATION UNDER TREES. Zou-no-hana Terrace, Yokohama, Japan, 2024; Aus dem Häuschen. Ateliergemeinschaft Achterhaus e.V., Westwerk, Hamburg, 2024

Colors as Words. CentPure Gallery II, Higashikawa Cultural Exchange Center, Higashikawa, Hokkaido, Japan, 2023;
Jubiläumsausstellung. nachtspeicher23, Hamburg, 2023;
JETZT:ALLE. Jahresausstellung des Berufsverbands Bildender Künstler:innen Hamburg, Kunsthaus Hamburg, Hamburg, 2023

HIER & HIER, 5 Jahre PAV_STIP. Drostei, Pinneberg, 2022;
Anonymous Drawer. HYCP, Hamburg, 2022

REFLECTIONS. Artist in Quarantine, nachtspeicher23, Hamburg, 2020 (s)

outmoded*. nachtspeicher23, Hamburg, 2019;
s`wird bunt am Hügel der Verzweiflung. Galerie Bridget Stern at Künstlerhaus Faktor, Hamburg, 2019;
Schloß Eutin, Schleswig-Holstein, 2019

10 Jahre, 10 Wochen, 10 Ausstellungen. nachtspeicher23, Hamburg, 2018;
PAV_STIP I 2018 Kulturwerk SH. Pinneberg, Schleswig-Holstein, 2018

Walky Talky. (with Maria Fisahn), Performance/artist talk, Foyer at Kunsthaus Hamburg, 2017;
Surfing The Great Tsunami. Aarhus, Odder, Holstebro, Denmark, Westwerk, Hamburg, 2016/2017; Heading For A Land Of Eternal Sunshine. (with Nina Wengel), curated by Tijana Miskovic, xpon-art, Hamburg, 2017 (s)

The Principle of Population. Joined installation by Nir Alon, Stefan Troschka, Chiara Kramer, St Katharinen, Hamburg, 2016;
Petersburger Salon. Ehemaliger Raum Blau, Hamburg, 2016; Noch mehr Wirbel – Overall Winners. Blaues Haus e.V., Frankfurt a. Main, 2016 (s)

ISSO. Kunstraum B, Kiel, 2015 (s)

Notes Of This Side. nachtspeicher23, Hamburg, 2014; Now The Ball Is On Your Side. super bien! Gewächshaus für zeitgenössische Kunst, Berlin, 2014 (s)

Wackeln. Galerie Speckstrasse, Hamburg, 2013;
All Dimensions In Meter. Galerie Feinkunst Krüger, Hamburg, 2013

INDEX 12 / Berenberg Preis für Junge Kunst. Kunsthaus Hamburg, Hamburg, 2012;
Permanent. Frappant Galerie, Hamburg, 2012

Seedbank For Treehouses. (with Julia Münz), CUBE, Center For The Urban Built Environment, Manchester, GB, 2011 (s)

Wahrer Luxus. Frappant Galerie, Hamburg, 2010; CUBEopen 2010. (overall winner with Julia Münz), CUBE, Manchester, GB, 2010; First Sentimental Journey. KK Square Art Galleries, Jaipur, India, IND, 2010/2011 (s); The Hours Are Better. (with Ragani Haas), Westwerk, Hamburg, 2010 (s)

Made in Speck. Galerie Speckstrasse, Hamburg, 2009

Lumen Christie`s / Kreuzwege 2008. In collaboration with Julia Münz, Hamburg, 2008;
Wir nennen es Hamburg. Kunstverein Hamburg, 2008;
Anonymous Drawings. Kunstraum/Kreuzberg, Bethanien, Berlin, 2008

Fish and Ships. Kunsthaus Hamburg, Hamburg, 2007;
Provisorium. PROGR & Galerie Rigassi, Bern, CH, 2007;
Imke-Folkert-Preis 2007, Greetsiel, 2007

Kometenschleuder. PrimaKunst Container, Stadtgalerie, Kiel, 2006 (s); New Works on Paper. R.T. Hansen, Private Exhibition Place, Berlin, 2006 (s)

Einzugsformalitäten. Galerie 14 Dioptrien, Hamburg, 2005/2006; Eintauchenauf. Junge-Hunde, Kronprinzenpalais, Meiningen, 2005

Foyer für Junge Kunst, Hypovereinsbank, Hamburg-Harburg, 2004


Invited ideas competition, Kunst am Bau, Kindertagesstätte Beiersdorf AG, Hamburg, 2012

BVS – Büro Verborgene Stätte (in cooperation with Julia Münz), IBA Hamburg (International Building Exhibition), Hamburg, 2008

Wünsche Versenken (in cooperation with Julia Münz), Lumen Christie`s /Kreuzwege, Hamburg, 2008

Seedbank For Treehouses (in cooperation with Julia Münz), Harburger Hafen-Kiosk-Festival, Hamburg, 2007

Sichtmittel, kioer e.V., Architektur-Sommer Hamburg, Hamburg, 2006


POSITION. DIALOG 2017, BBK Hamburg, 2017

POSITION. 2016, editor BBK Hamburg, 2017

Double-side printed poster, Noch mehr Wirbel-Overall Winners, text by Hajo Schiff, 2016

Decision – Kulturzeitschrift in Europa, editor Michael Weh, Hamburg, Edition 101-2013, 2013

INDEX 12 // Berenberg Preis für junge Kunst, editor Elena Winkel, 2012

Wir nennen es Hamburg, Kunstverein, Hamburg, 2008

Kunst_Bulletin, September-Edition, CH, 2007

Villa Kobe, Kunst-Halle e.V., Halle/Saale, 2005